Call for Sites
Poundstock Parish Council
Neighbourhood Development Plan
Poundstock Parish Council is preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) for the Parish. As previous minimum housing requirements have been met, the work so far on an NDP and related public consultation has not sought to identify any sites for possible development. However, Cornwall Council has now introduced a new minimum housing target for the Parish of eight houses. The Cornwall Homechoice register also currently indicates a total of 22 households with a local connection to the Parish seeking affordable rented housing. In order to address this housing need, the Parish Council is undertaking a Call for Sites.
The Parish Council therefore invites submissions for affordable housing schemes. Proposals should make provision for up to 22 affordable homes for local people or those with a local connection. These may be on one or more sites and may be for social rented accommodation or other forms of affordable housing.
Local landowners, developers and their agents are invited to submit potential housing sites for consideration. Proposed sites must be within the Poundstock Designated Neighbourhood Area.
All submitted proposals will be subjected to a site assessment process by the Parish Council consistent with the public feedback so far received for the draft NDP (see the Poundstock Local Landscape Character Assessment, Vision Statement, Policy Intentions and survey feedback on the Parish website). Sites considered suitable following this assessment will be considered for possible inclusion in a draft NDP as proposed housing site allocations. This draft will, subsequently, be available for public consultation as part of the process of adopting an NDP.
Once the responses have been considered, some sites may be found not to be suitable or necessary, therefore by submitting a site, it should be noted that there is no presumption that any site will, by virtue of its submission, be included in the NDP. All sites included will be subject to future planning consent.
If you wish to propose a site in response to this Call for Sites, please provide your name, contact details and a description of the site and proposed development, including the number and type of units proposed. You will also need to provide a clear site location plan (ideally, based on an OS map) identifying the site boundary in red.
Please submit this information by midnight on 8 April, 2025 to:
The Clerk, Mrs. Lynn Pluess, Trevoulter Barton, Poundstock, Bude, Cornwall EX23 0DH
Sites submitted to the Parish Council will be in the public domain and the information submitted will not be treated as confidential.
The Designated Neighbourhood Area, Local Landscape Character Assessment, Vision Statement, Policy Intentions and survey feedback can all be found on the Parish website at: